Dry fly fishing, nymph, emerging, streamer


please read carefully!

In order to place orders on FlyTiersWorld it is necessary to be registered on the site, the procedure for placing an order involves the creation of a shopping cart, selection of the shipping method, selection of the payment method and confirmation by the customer of the order. In this last step the customer will be able to view the costs of the products and shipping costs, we also remind you that all prices of FlyTiersWorld are VAT included.

If you have any doubts or any clarification regarding your order (colours, shipping costs, quantities, etc.) you can contact me directly. The customer will receive a confirmation e-mail from FlyTiersWorld for each order placed. Upon delivery, the goods ordered shall be accompanied by the corresponding receipt.

The order refers to the selected items.

All prices include VAT

The following are the conditions governing the sale of our articles. We reserve the right to change the conditions of sale. Any new rules will be effective from the moment they are published on our site and will refer to sales made from that moment. We therefore invite you to read these conditions carefully each time you make a purchase.


Buy safely.

The following are the conditions governing the sale of our articles. We reserve the right to change the conditions of sale. Any new rules will be effective from the moment they are published on our site and will refer to sales made from that moment. We therefore invite you to read these conditions carefully each time you make a purchase.

Terms of payment and delivery.

It is up to the customer to choose between the payment and delivery terms available at FlyTiersWorld. È nostra cura offrire quante più opzioni è possibile, ma non sono consentiti metodi di pagamento o di consegna diversi da quelli che indicati. Items are sold at the prices indicated on the site until changed. 

Acceptance of orders

You must be of legal age to place an order. Orders will only be binding for us when you receive a confirmation from us by e-mail that the entire order process has been duly completed. We advise the customer to print out our e-mail as order confirmation.


Shipping costs are calculated according to the country of origin and the weight of the parcel. The system proposes delivery options and calculates the cost with a minimum margin of error. However, it may happen that once the order has been processed, the calculation of the actual costs is different; therefore, you may be asked to pay the difference before shipping.


Delivery times throughout Italy with the option POSTS 1 are 2 / 4 days working, in alcune zone e particolari situazioni potrebbe volerci più tempo.

Delivery times throughout Italy with the option SDA COURIER are 1 / 2 working days.

Delivery times Registered mail for abroad Given the diversity between countries, they should be considered as guidelines.

Europe: 6 working days + that of dispatch for the 85% of items.

United Kingdom: 2/3 weeks + that of dispatch for the 85% of items.

Mediterranean Basin countries: 10 working days + that of dispatch for the 85% of items.

Delivery times in Europe with the option SDA COURIER are 3 / 4 days working.

Transport is the responsibility of the customer according to the chosen delivery method. The terms indicated indicate the period of time normally required to have the ordered items delivered. We undertake to deliver the ordered items to the carrier as quickly as possible, we will do our best to ensure that you receive the items within that period, but we shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from any delay occurring during transport.


Recipient Absent

Nel caso di mancata consegna per Destinatario Assente, al Destinatario è data la facoltà di richiedere la riconsegna gratuita della spedizione entro i 3 giorni successivi al primo tentativo di consegna;

A partire dal 4° giorno di giacenza, Kipoint addebiterà al Cliente/Mittente, il dossier di apertura pratica di giacenza e le ulteriori spese accessorie previste dall’accordo con l’addebito, da tale giorno, delle spese di giacenza.

Wrong Address

Nel caso di mancata consegna per indirizzo errato, il giorno successivo alla mancata consegna, si potrà consultare il dossier di giacenza nell’apposita area dedicata del portale Web.

Storage costs will be charged from the day after the first valid delivery attempt.


Storage for a maximum period of 15 working days is charged for all SDA express services

Le spese di giacenza vengono applicate al Cliente secondo la seguente modalità:
– i primi 3 gg di giacenza sono gratuiti;
– apertura dossier giacenza € 2,00, inviati via web il giorno successivo alla mancata consegna,
stating the reason and at the same time requesting delivery instructions from the sender
– il 4° giorno si applica € 1,00 minimo sosta
– dal 5° al 15° giorno si applica € 0,20 per ogni LDV di tariffa giornaliera
– spese di riconsegna 1,00 per LDV



Below you can download the updated documentation

 Information on Terms and Conditions 



English (US)


English (UK)



If you have any doubts or clarifications

Don't forget to follow me on my