Discover my blog for fly fishers

Are you a fly-fishing enthusiast or would you like to get closer to this fascinating hobby?
Then you are in the right place!

In my Fly Fishing Blog you will find: Comprehensive tips and guides to learn fly fishing techniques, from equipment selection to the most effective casts; Step-by-step tutorials for tying the most commonly used artificial flies, with simple, illustrated explanations; Reviews of rods, reels, tails and other accessories to help you choose the equipment best suited to your needs; Tales of fishing and adventure in different locations in Italy and around the world, to immerse yourself in the beauty of this sport.


Step-by-step tutorials for making fantastic flies!

Here you will find: simple tutorials for tying flies of all types, from nymphs to topwaters; step-by-step pictures so you don't miss a single detail; everything you need to start making your own flies; tips and tricks to improve your skills and become a real fly fishing master.
What are you waiting for?

Take a peek through my tutorials and discover how to make the perfect flies for your next fishing trip!


A few spots and catches around the world!!!

Immerse yourself in unforgettable adventures in the world's best fishing spots with engaging stories and breathtaking images. Discover the most effective techniques for catching fish of all kinds, explore dream destinations and find inspiration for your next adventure. Whether you are an expert or a neophyte, here you will find practical tips, detailed guides and everything you need to make the most of your passion for fly fishing.

Below you will find the collection of articles full of interesting content and useful insights. Use the available filters and controls to explore the posts and find exactly what interests you."

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Tutorial Nymph PHEASANT TAIL

PHEASANT TAIL An unmissable fly to always have in your fly box. The Pheasant Tail Nymph is one of the most iconic and popular artificial flies in the ...
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GRAYLING KILLER A TIMELESS CLASSIC THAT HAS ALWAYS GIVEN ME GREAT SATISFACTION! Discover the Grayling Killer Nymph, a timeless classic in the world of fishing ...
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Tutorial WHITE BROWN Nymph

BIANCA MARRONE A NEVER-missing nymph... A perfect creation of mine for nymph fishing born more than 30 years ago. Perfected ...
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